Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Category of State based on the Power

There are three category of state that we can see from the power of that state.

1. Super Power
 The country has an extensive power. A power where a country can be the center or role model for the other countries. 
Super Power Country:
2. Great Power
Little different with Super Power, Great power is not as strong as the Super Power 
Great Power Countries:

3. Middle Power
Middle Power has the smaller effect compared with Super Power and Great Power.
Middle Power Country:

National Power

Power also is a capacity, and the capacity has a function as a determinant of how much power that an actor had. State is one of the actors in International Relations. State is the strongest actor because state has the right to monopolize violence so people become submissive and loyal to the state. 
State has a special power that we called as National Power.
National Power is the capacity of an actor to influence or even coerce other actors to do the interests of the state. There are two kind of national power which are Soft Power and Hard Power that we've been explained before.
But there is a new type of national power which is Smart Power. Smart power is a combination between hard power and soft power.

National Power needt sources of course. These sources will help a state to enlarge their power.
There are three sources of National Power:
1. Natural Sources.
It is a sources that already exists in state, so that state does not need an extra effort to get those resources. This natural sources such as geography, natural resources (oil, gas), and human population.
2. Social-physchological Sources.
This source centered on social and physchological aspects of a state in the view of the other state. It is more coentered on how a state positioning themselves in the arena of International Relations. How does the political will of a state, how the state approaches a figure that state leaders were able to emerge as the dominant figure, how the national stability of a state is able to play a role in the interaction in International Relations.
3. Synthetic Sources.
This sources is a sources that a state has to made, for example is the power industry and the military of a state.

The national power of a state is different with the other state. And there are some method to see or calculating the power of a state which are conventional and S. Cline