Sunday, February 23, 2014

Soft Power, Hard Power?

In power we all know that power defined into two kind which is soft power and hard power 

 1. Soft Power
Soft power means the ability of the state to create a situation where that state being able to give an influence in order to achieve their interest, state can do it using approach. Soft power is not use coercion or violence such as military.
The concrit example of soft power is how an ideology of a state can influence the other state to use the same ideology with them.

 2. Hard Power
Hard Power is an ability of a state to influence the other state with military


John Acton in 1887 expressed his opinion about power, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". It simply means that if there is someone who has power tends to use it too much and will increases their power.

Some definition of power is that someone's capacity or group of humanbeing to influence someone behaviour or other group in such a way as the behaviour to accordance with the wish and the aim of the person who had the power. Power is a necessary thing in life. 

About us

We are an International Relation student in President University batch 2013,
Tri Wulan Sari (016201300149) & Wurangian, Lindie Rutry (016201300164) 
In this semester we got an assignment to create a blog and the topic is about POWER

Cheers! :D